Walk This Way- Walk your Child to School Day

- What
- Walk This Way- Walk your Child to School Day
- When
- 9/27/2024, 7:15 AM – 8:00 AM
Event Address: 1540 E 228th St, Euclid, OH 44117 Hero Park
Time: 7:15 AM - Arrival at School
Parents and scholars meet at Hero Park and a bus will shuttle parents back to their cars after the walk from the school. Enjoy a water and morning snack when you arrive to drop-off your scholars. RSVP is required. Scholars must be in uniform, and parents and family should be dressed for the occasion- a Family-Friendly school function. Pull out the old tennis shoes to take the morning stroll with the school! We will have a playlist running thanks to our music teacher Mr. Jones, decorations and noise makers thanks to Ms. Pinta, motivation from our inspiring Coaches Q and Rouse, and the love and excitement of our scholars and their families. Thank you to the activities committee for planning the event, and thank you to our parents joining who make our school great!